Monday, September 26, 2011

Carnegie's Philanthropy

I started finding out about Carnegie's Philanthropy here. Carnegie, in the eyes of the public, became a philanthropist in the year of 1901. Carnegie became a philanthropist because he wanted to change the way the public viewed him. He was viewed as a harsh powerful business man, but after the view changed he became a public-spirited man who cared very much about the education of his people. Carnegie gave away money by building Carnegie Libraries all over the U.S, U.K. and other English-speaking countries. He funded around 3,000 libraries scattered all around the world. He did so because he believed strongly in the movement of spelling reform and he cared so much about the education of his people. Carnegie also gave 10 million dollars to establish the Carnegie Trust for the University of Scotland. I learned that Carnegie was a giving man and that he loved him community along with their education. He wanted to help the world by creating libraries and universities so that people could be well educated just like him. Carnegie was a powerful yet giving man. 

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