Thursday, April 26, 2012

Here are the directions to the research project and here is the contract that I have signed. I'm trying to decide between the two topics of the Woodstock festival in 1969 or factory farming in the 1900's.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Photograph Can Tell A Story Too

This picture illustrates how the families during the Great Depression did not have money to spend on toys and games. It also shows the high unemployment level during this time period. The group of boys don't have many places to go and play so they play outside of their homes. You can see that they don't have any toys with them showing that their families did not have enough money to spend on leisurely things like toys. SInce the boys don't have toys of their own, they play with each other instead. The woman resting on her window sill shows the high unemployment rate during this time. She has nothing better to do than sit and do not do a thing. She obviously has a lot of time on her hands to be able to just sit and gaze down the street. And since she is sitting outside this could show that she isn;t able to afford air conditioning because of her unemployment. Overall this picture shows the high unemployment rate and lack of money during the Great Depression.

New York, New York. 61st Street between 1st and 3rd Avenues. Children playing in the street.
Walker Evans